![]() Sunday, February 28, 2010
![]() I am doooooooom for econs. SERIOUSLY. first time I feel that my econs CMI. My JC knowledge all return back to sizzling hot already! ): omg!!! =X OMG. okay. FL shall study hard tomorrow for her poa on tuesday! And omg! like friday paper is at night. this is so not good, i sure will sleep one! =X SIANSIAN! and then friday supposingly should....... ROAR! okay, i think i should go and read up abit more abt econs. in case tomorrow i 1 hr also cannot tahan. =X 爱你第一个原因 就是你的安静 你就是那么特别那么唯一 xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! ![]() totally like the story behind 三人游! omg.omg. (: like again, i am gonna blog the song lyrics that i love a lot. 悄悄的 远远的 或许舍不得 默默地 静静地 或许很值得 我还在某处守候着 说不定这也是一种幸福的资格 至少我们中还有人能快乐 这样就已足够了 SERIOUSLY! this song got a lot of feeeeeeeel! i like! =) and by the way, don't assume anything from this post. if you really want to know, you can ask me! HAHAHAHA! but then again, I will choose whether to tell you or not! WAHAHAHAHA! :D As for now, I know i should be studying, but oh noooooo, I AM NOT! =X xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Saturday, February 27, 2010
![]() ![]() I am feeling exhausted! Definitely exhausted after the 2 papers. (: but I can say that.. it wasn't that bad! At least a 70 for stats and about a 60 for maths! hopefully stats can be ard 80! :D then i can get first class for my maths1&stats1 already! BUT WELL, anyway, this is only the prelim. So, one shall not be complacent! then again, at this point of time.. I shall say... I am SO not prepared for econs. I think I am gone for econs! Shall spend the whole of Sunday studying for it and then decide again if I want to go for econs paper. =X I know I have been telling people should go and take the exam! BUT THE THING IS.. 1) if we don't get the exam condition, what's the point? we do not take the exam in the hall. we take it in the lt. like.. isn't it similar to lecture test or whatever?! ROAR! 2) it did not seem any serious event! 3) quite disorganise on the management side. we do not even know what venue other than the hall. -.- So after both my papers, stayed back in school for a while with the thought of studying econs, but oh well, it DID not happened. LOL! =X then left school at about 5.30? Took a train all the way to Jookoon cos i want seat and I was still early to meet my family! =X Had a lil chat with KM on the way. He took all the way to JK and take back also! LOL! -.- we quite free ah! he was like jio-ing people to go out. hahahaha! When I met my family, went over to my dad's colleague's place. Had dinner there and with all the workers, we all started playing blackjack. their bet all $2 sia! even my sister also place $2, yet I place like $1. so in the end i also place $2. the banker.. was a joker! LOL! seriously, and his luck was GOOOOOD! like omg, and SO MANY people were playing! Like... 12?13? so, the unlucky me.. lost my $10.! OMG! *sob!* but then, the banker.... won like 200+. when we were going back he gave me and my sister $10 each! like omg, so nice! HAHAHAHAHHA! so yes, i spent my whole evening....... playing cards but not winning nor losing! sounds good! :P So here I am now. Trying to plan for tomorrow! but for now, let me rest a bit. I have been hardworking. I need time to play and relax too! :) did i mention, i am glad when i saw your msg? (: xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Friday, February 26, 2010
![]() ![]() Finally it's here! like the "long awaited" prelims! LIKE OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I AM SO DEAD because I AM SO SCARED. LIKE SERIOUSLY. I SCARED I TOMORROW GO THERE, FORGET EVERYTHING AH! LOL! but anyway, shall still blog about what happened today. Woke up like usual and met XC at house bus stop to take shuttle bus to school! He has got lecture from 830-1130. so anyway, we reached tampines and was walking to the place to take shuttle bus, and then we saw the bus.. AND then... we started running! and he KEPT running! i wanted to tell him, the bus will wait for like abt 3 mins de! LOL! but then he just KEPT RUNNING, so i have to KEEEEEP Running also! HAHAHHAHA! exciting sia! =X And then when I reached school, sat outside Lt3.23. Had my usual cup of tea and bread! hohoho, BREAKFAST = the most important meal of the day! LOL! so yes, and then was doing my work and everything. Then someone message me.... which got me surprised! HAHAHAHAH! And then changed place to outside to LT3.10 instead! TSK! =X Sat there doing my work, studying.. till KM And XC came at 1130! I tell you ah, SIM seriously got a lot of BHHY ppl okay! they walk ard suspiciously looking at you.... like machiam want you to go off so they can have table! LOL! I was like rushing KM la! asking him faster cos i scared of those BHHY ppl! After that saw Jokko, TeckSheng and Darryl! Darryl in the end went to find Bowei. Then Jokko and TeckSheng sat with us! Oh, YH was at the next table with his project grp mates also! (: and then we all went to Alumni for lunch! like quite long never go there le! SIM food SERIOUSLY bored liao! like from tuesday(breakfast, lunch, dinner) to today! SERIOUSLY siannnnnn! So after lunch when to get Teh-O! wahhh, power, never sleep or feel sleepy after lunch! Continue chionging! and then teach KM and XC what they do not know.. like Chi-squared table and hypothesis testing.. YH left at about 4+ and so did Jokko. so the table only left with KM, XC and Me. And yes, we continue to study and study and study. AND I WANT TO SAY.. PJ IS LIKE SUCH A NICE FRIEND! he was having lecture in LT3.10. He was having his break. And he saw us chionging like mad, and he came back from the canteen with................ ![]() Thank you PJ! :DD ANYWAY, so yes.. we study study study and then BEFORE DINNER WE GOT HIGH! LOL! LIKE SERIOUSLY! HAHAHAHAHAAHAH! we started laughing like MAD! and it's KM who started it la! LOL! he looked towards the canteen and he was looking at people walking.. den he suddenly.. left right left right(imagine army guys saying! that's how he said it.) like all of a sudden he said that! crazy! LOL! and then... a few mins later, a girl who wore a mask(those flu then want to put mask?) walk towards us.. the moment she walk past us, he started laughing den ask me.. "did you stop breathing not?" and.. "omg, why she walk past at this time, we exam period leh"(smth along that line) I WAS already trying my best to ignore him.. and he kept asking.."you got stop breathing not?!?" wah totally CMI. AND THEN, a few mins later, we saw people in nurse uniform(prob student from NP) and then KM said "omg, even the medics are here to save us!" LOL! nonsense! HE IS PROBABLY DAMNNNN STRESS! and then, i was teaching xc halfway, got army guy(in no.4) walk past.. den SUDDENLY xc said.."then why now you never say left right left right..." -.-" and i learn a MAGIC today. LOL! wahahahahah! if you want to know, ask me when you see me next time! wahahahah! we studied till 9. and then took the bus to clementi to change to train. Like since everytime no one accompany KM to the other side of school, so today we went over lo! and then on the bus, KM was saying that he's gonna change phone but not sure which phone.. So he was asking XC if the phone is good(or smth along that line).. THEN XC STARE AT THE AIR.. and not answer.. THEN I STARED AT XC.. like going closer to XC.. den i look at km.. then Km gave me the.."i dont know what happen to him" look! HAHAHAAH! den XC realised we were talking to him... WAH, it was FUNNY. not really prepared for exams but then again, I hope at least I can pass everything! =D at least it wouldn be so demoralising to me! k, gonna sleep now! :D goodluck to all UOL peeps out there! :D I am addicted to 三人游! xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Thursday, February 25, 2010
![]() not so productive. i guess it's because I have been crazy for the past few days! (FROM TUES LO! everyday 9am-6pm study session is MADNESS) crazy as in, it was productive. so today was totally very TIRED! like seriously! for the first time, i actually slept on the shuttle bus! I was THAT tired. so, i shall conclude today.. half the time my mind wasnt there. =( boooooo! and we were so close to going halobar again! LOL! but end up playing wii! LOL! but that was like 7pm like that! we did study k! Oh well, I don't know why, I feel so... "okay whatever" towards prelim. I think I know I am doomed! =X but oh well, shall go and have the feel of exams! Like, HOW LONG AGO did i last took exam!? NOV 2008! LIKE OMG! so long ago lo. Decide to do quite a no. of things because many things are happening now which I don't know why they are happening! I feel like SCREAMING OUT LOUD, I feel like.... I don't know! I feel so #!(!Decide to do quite a no. of things because many things are happening now which I don't know why they are happening! I feel like SCREAMING OUT LOUD, I feel like.... I don't know! I feel so #!(!$&!&$@!(&$ amp;!&$@!(&$ I don't know if anyone know how I am feeling, afterall..... I hid it well I hope. I need someone to tell me what's happening, I need someone to tell me what to do. Because everything is kinda sudden. I guess I am no longer upset abt it. I am more puzzled to be honest. At least, I think I know what I should do. I should put books as my priority! OBVIOUSLY, and I AM DOING SO. So i hope, no one else is affected or anything! you know I AM TALKING ABT YOU! :D LOL! ANYWAY, I AM DAMN IRRITATED BY SOME PEOPLE. THOSE 不自动的人! DAMN PISSED OFF! YOU CAN ALWAYS ASK! IF YOU ASK, WE WILL NOT SAY ANYTHING OR WHATEVER SERIOUSLY! -.- YOU DON'T JUST SIT DOWN AND OPEN YOUR BOOKS, AND MORE OF YOUR FRIENDS JOIN IN! ROAR AT YOU ALL LA! THIS IS WHAT WE CALLED AS...不怀好意! (quote from adele.) Okay, guess I got to sleep NOW. Gonna go school tomorrow to study again. and I don't want to go home too late! So, gonna go early and settle everything!! 有些话我选择保持沉默 别把实话说破 隐藏我的寂寞 就算你的爱 属于她了 就算你的手 她还牵着 就算你累了 我会在这 一人留 两人疚 三人游 悄悄的 远远的 或许舍不得 默默地 静静地 或许很值得 我还在某处守候着 xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! ![]() feeling damn sad because I was reading on something! I feel scared at the same time too! But anyway, we should treasure our lives! This also means, staying happy! (: SMILE. xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! ![]() it's interesting. seriously. i think one shall not bother too much. (: one shall not THINK too much either! (: life is great with all the small small thing. 厉害就好,不要假厉害。。 (: i feel good after studying the whole day. when i came home, spoil my mood. xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Tuesday, February 23, 2010
![]() shuttled bus. breakfast. studied. lunch. lecture. (attempt to study again). dinner. halobar. bloated. homed. gonna sleep now. because tomorrow I have got to reach school before 楊先生 if not i will owe him his teh c siu dai! right okay, i am feeeeeeling very tired now from the beer! AH, i am damn weak with alcohol. bloated as well. ROAR! but then again it's fun! :D i shall not think too much because it hurts. a lot. nights. xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! ![]() someone once told me.. he will return. and when he does, don't qns him. welcome him with open arms. i broke down tonight. xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Sunday, February 21, 2010
![]() while sleeping, i had a lot of dreams. and i dont know why i have that much dream last night! seriously like omg! =X because it's TOO much! and half of it was kinda scary! oh man! like seriously, i think maybe i am worrying too much because of exams! or something like that! LOL! War To dream of a war, signifies disorder and chaos in your waking life You are experiencing some internal conflict or emotional struggle which is tearing you up inside. Alternatively, the dream also indicates that you are being overly aggressive or that you are not being assertive enough. Perhaps you need to be prepared to put up a fight in some area of your life. On a more direct level, the dream may be reflection of current wars around the world. Competition To dream that you are in a competition, represents your need to grow and expand. Learn the value of endurance and perseverance. Also be more assertive. Die To see someone dying in your dream, signifies that your feelings for that person are dead or that a significant change/loss is occurring in your relationship with that person. Alternatively, you may want to repress that aspect of yourself that is represented by the dying person Shoes If you dream that you lose your shoes, then it suggests that you may be searching for your identity and finding/exploring who you are. that's all the interpretation! right, i am gonna bath and study already! ohoh, i am happy for the slightest thing! :D like i am happy because, i finally found the coffee i wanted since more than a yr ago! hohoho~~~ xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Saturday, February 20, 2010
![]() yes yes yes, FL is a happy girl because............ my best V day gift from wendy k! HAHAHA! like cause in the first place, i didn know she asked from jj for me! HAHAHAHA =D Thanks a lot wendy! :D I am still very high because the thought of JJ himself bringing from his house!! The thought of JJ himself writing my name is TOTALLY SO OMG! it's like.. (yh, imagine it is XJT! or... adele, imagine it is show luo!) wahahahaha! you get what I mean! or maybe like.. (shimona, imagine it's nichkhun!) SO YES, HE SIGNED ON IT AND HE EVEN DREW A LOVE! which got me so... omgomgomg! wahahahahah! 是HIGH的! AND THIS MEANS THAT... look at how he changed from the first album to the latest one! oh man, JJ is still as hot and handsome! so anyway, today went to Allie's place for FUN! of the fun, I realised something too! wahahaah! *secret* SERIOUSLY, I GOTTA STUDY TOMORROW! so that i can play on monday! YES YES YES! FL, JIAYOU! YOU CAN DO IT! chiong tomorrow k! :D xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! ![]() I officially slept at 7am and woke up at 10am! And now I feel so awake, I have no idea why! crazy me! =/ I went offline at about 2am! and then right i plug the earpiece into my ear.. so the music was playing in my ears! and it kept playing and playing and playing.. and i kept listening... till the sun appears! =X yes, that's when i realised, I need to sleep! anyway, did something extraordinary today morning! (: I spent about an hr for something nice... and I am stuck halfway now. OMG! okay, i need to leave hse soon too! =X andomg, i can see jwjwjw. HAHAHAHAH! =X p/s: i am so gonna get my first album to complete my husband's collection! :D xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Friday, February 19, 2010
![]() LOL! okay, I just spam my own blog entry with LinJunJie's album! WAHAHAHA! =) I think I am some psycho freak! Just by looking at his album can get me UBER HIGH! just by listening to his songs can cheer me up! So yes, you see it! I have got my 100days album too! :D HEEEEE! So, i am now VERY excited to get my first album from Wendy! CREDIT TO WENDY! but many thanks to JJ!(like as if he will get to read sia! HAHAHAHA!) anyway, Valentine's Day is *thumbs up* It was touching!(not a lot but quite a few!) Like the scene when the grandpa forgive the grandma, the guy who made a sorry card for the "girlfriend-to-be" after he found out that she is a adult phone operator and also the best friend scene! like omg, the best friend scene seriously is so.. omgomgomg! =X like can you imagine you kissing your bestfriend? LIKE SO... omgomg! HAHAHAHAHAHA! =/ it's 人日tomorrow, so in advanced.. 生日快乐everyone! :D xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! ![]() not needed anyway. OFF. xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Thursday, February 18, 2010
![]() those are words I can't say. those are words..... kept within me. if only there is someone who can read me reallywell.... if only there is someone who knows what I am thinking.... dislike. ): xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Monday, February 15, 2010
![]() woke up with the "i-feel-like-blogging" feeling! LOL! (: i htht with my mum the moment I woke up! she seriously bombed me with a lot of questions! LOL! I still feel happy since I saw my bffs last night! LOL! Anyway, I woke up by Allie's message this morning! And shucks, I actually fell asleep while texting her! OH NOOOOO~ =X Today gonna meet some of them at PS later for dinner! yay! :D M. Fish Market! wooooooooot~ anyway, today will be a good day cos I feel happy! SHALALALA! :D xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! ![]() 1) Cny was like normal once a yr visiting! :D it was great catching up with cousins and everyone! but it's kinda irritating when you have people asking if you are attached! hmmm, is it like a routine of a people's life to get attached at ard age of 20?! =X boooo! 2) I lost money! BOOHOOOO! not my year this year probably! =X Tsk! 3)AND I TOTALLY LOVE MY BFFs! (: they did a so-called surprise visit! but not really surprise cos adele did ask me if i was home and everything! So yes, she SOUNDED damn fishy on the phone! she said she's coming over alone. cos she's bored nothing to do. but anyway, i told her when i was like 15 mins away from home! and then told her when i was home! So when I was home, I went to bath! Plus wash my hair.. so that took abt 15 mins! And after that i check my phone, she msg me if my parents will mind.. den i say no. just that a bit sudden for her to come over! then her next reply came almost immediately after i send.. she said.. "hey is it okay if i come now?" so i replied.. "ya, can." WHEN I SEND THAT.. THE NEXT MOMENT... SOMEONE KNOCKED MY DOOR! and then she said.. "omg, urgent.. can i use the toilet?" AND I TELL YOU, at that moment, my hair was still wrapped! like SUPER UNGLAM! like afterall, it's just adele, i dont really care if i looooook glam or not! LOL! AND THEN, i took out the towel and comb my hair.. den comb comb comb.... ADELE SAID.."anyway, your valentine's day gift..." *at this moment, she was searching for something in her wallet....* THEN there was another knock at the door... den adele said.. "eh, got ppl at the door" so i tot was my mum and sis, they were on the way home mah.. (well, i walked home before they left my grandmother hse!) then when i look through the doorhole.... i couldn see anyone! OBVIOUSLY SOMEONE USED HIS HAND TO COVER THE HOLE! OMG! so i was like.."OMG! WHO SIA!" den at that moment, my hair was HALF-combed! so i ran to the kitchen and comb hao hao first! den ADELE helped me open the dooooor instead..AND THEN, my bff1 walked in. LIKE OMG! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! YA! that's my Valentine's day gift! THE SURPRISE VISIT OF THE BOTH OF MY BFFs! THANK YOU PEOPLE! TOTALLY LOVED!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH SERIOUSLY! :D AND THANK YOU THE BOTH OF YOU, FOR LIKE OWE-ING ME 6 tehpengs altogether! LOL! we played blackjack with tehpengs! AND SERIOUSLY, yh is just so unlucky! HAHAAHAHAH! =X V day is NOT boring with BFFs! :D WOOOOOT! time to sleep now! 晚安! xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Sunday, February 14, 2010
![]() I have somethings I need to say. Yet I choose to remain silent. CNY. must stay happy. kk! :D xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Saturday, February 13, 2010
![]() Thursday: Birthday celebrations! All the babies from Jan to June! Yes, this means it includes me! :D wahahahahah! (: And the best part is... the cake... is baked by Me Adele XC and YH! :D wahahahahaha! although there were a lil cock-up, it was still edible for sure! :D hohoho! And I am sure the actual birthday boy was surprised! hahahahaha! :P Yes, I am talking about KM! he must be a lil touched that we baked the cake ourselves too! LOL! =) Here's a collage! All other photos can be found on facebook! :D ![]() okay *shy* liao! We went to the hotpot culture by the way! The food is so so bah! Not that bad! Since everyone got their own hotpot! =) and the soup.. omgomg, hot and spicy is so sour! LOL! =) but the fondue was GREAT! HAHAHAHAHA! :D I have got some dirty teeth! :D Here's my BFFs: Yup! that's how i spend my thursday! :D oh btw, i did my first pedicure!! LOL! For friday, it was like.. TIME TO CELEBRATE XC'S BIRTHDAY! :D and I finally satisfy my craving for hot cake! *thumbs up* and also daytona + bball! LOL! =X of course finish my story book too! Time to read something new! :D After that went to celebrate XC's 22nd at white tangerine! (: Happpppy advanced bdae brother! hope you had an unforgettable one! :D Unforgettable because he get to perform infront of a small crowd~ and also sang with Rao Zi Jie! Wah, omg! his voice is chao mi ren! not just zi jie's okay! xc's also! his voice can attract people one! LOL! ![]() anyway, so ya! that's how i spent my friday! and it's CNY eve today! steamboat was gooood! :D I can't wait for tomorrow! :D xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Thursday, February 11, 2010
![]() I can't sleep because of quite a no. of things! seriously! LIKE OMG! =) but of course, there is a mixture of gd and bad stuffs! Today was tiring!(And.. I am currently quite hungry now! BOOOO!) I know my blog post is gonna be not very long for now! Cause actually it's quite late already and I am going to KO sooooon! I have not been studying! Shall start after Chu 3 officially! :D FL seriously needs to relax! LOL! thanks to wendy, her JJ's FIRST ALBUM HAS BEEN FOUND! :D shall continue this part SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!! ( when i get it and all! it is IN THE PROCESS OF MY HAPPINESS! ) WENDY! HELP ME THANK YOUR FRIEND LO! HAHAAHHAAH! =D FL seriously needs to stop loooooking around! LOL! the heart contains 1. the eyes contain many. FL IS HAPPY because her OG mate(UOL-FOD!) said that her voice is SWEEEEEET! WAHAHAHAHA! =D he must be hooked to my song! for him, she shall continue the song! :D FL is lucky! :D She loves 88.3JIA fm! :D 27th march birthday @ Dragonfly! yayyyy! :D got the tickets from Lina! And she gave me a nickname! Nerdy FL. LOL!!! =X Alright, I need to sleep now! because, I am going out tmr! :D i am trying very hard to use the happiness to cover the unhappiness! but the smile on your face is all i want to see. xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Tuesday, February 9, 2010
![]() and I just realised..... Eunice and I are using the same blog skin! It took me long enough to realise that! LOL! How else can 2 person with the same birthday be similar? I can't wait to discover this friendship with her! :D and in case i haven't officially introduce her! and there it is! She is Eunice! (: xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Monday, February 8, 2010
![]() happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. happy birthday to YH. happy birthday to you! :D It was fun. It was great! =) What else can I say? It was a success! (: It was a night filled with laughter, joy and more laughter! (: It was a night when bon/kaming/xc get to meet Eunice! (: And it wasn't awkward! *thumbs up!* I hope YH was pleasantly surprised! though we did make him really worried! (and no, we did not take advantage or make use of his concern for us!) xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Saturday, February 6, 2010
![]() small things add up to a lot! OMG! yes yes! But then again, I think it's well spent! (: It may not be the best but...... YEA! (: I took time and everything! :D I think it's NOT that BAD! =) I have got tuition tomorrow morning! and I feel like going temple to pray! like my health hasn't been good! ): Keep coughing and coughing and coughing which is getting on my nerves! but I also dont know why i keep coughing! And it only happen when the sky turns dark! This is weird right! Later I get some weird disease! *Scared* okay, I feel hungry now! WHY! OMG! kk, gonna SLEEP now! :D nights! xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! ![]() Currently hooked to a song: Almost here. But when I need you, you're almost here. Bah! It's the SATURDAY! :D Yesterday went out for dinner with family and did some shopping for CNY! Great, I was totally like a kid saying.. "I want this, I want this, I want this one also." and if my mum doesnt want to get it for me.. I totally 撒娇! LOL! OMG! hahahahahaahhaha! So yes, we are done with our CNY goooods! Don't really need a lot anyway! I don't think we will have visitors! Maybe a couple of friends here and there! (: Yup! =) Sounds so exciting! Exactly one week later, it will be CNY's eve! OMG! YAYNESS! :D I am yaying for the ang bao la! HAHAHAHAHAH! =) Anyway, yesterday was a DAMN PRODUCTIVE day! LIKE SERIOUSLY! I am satisfied with myself! Thanks to bff! :D hohoho, we studied for near 4 hrs! (: It feels good! =) Like you know at least you did something for the day! :D OH YAY OH YAY! I am catching the hang of Stats 1! Please let me score first class honours! Anyway, while studying, that's when i got to know the song almost here! I've definitely hear it before, but now it's like on repeat mode! I like! HAHAHAH! :D I have a friend who is feeling kinda down. And I hope she'll be fine soon! =) SMILE! (yes, i am talking about you!) And, WEEKEND IS HERE! FINALLY! =D gonna meet special someone today! hohoho! sounds so exciting eh! but for now, I need to meet Adele to study first! :D Great plan! Study then out for fun! =) I have tuition tmr @ 10am! omg! neeeed to wake up early early again! and then come back home to sleeeeep! LOL! I finally need to agree that bff does give a sense of security! HAHAHAHAHAH! blogagainsoooooon! :D p/s: oh shucks shucks! i havent feature my 2nd friend! OMG, busy la k! hohoho! (: xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Friday, February 5, 2010
![]() 我的天啊!我被害死了! Today I woke up by smsES! like i have random messages and messages that make me go OMG! and the degree of omg is different! 1) i got msg from my boss saying the cheque is ready! And will be bank in today! I hope it includes my commission! if nt the basic pay bearly cover my XJT's concert tix! =/ that's sad right! 2) i got the acjc guy's no. LOL! because KM seriously wants his citadels! LOL! 3) Allie msged me feeling damn high abt yoga! 4) i felt wrong! ): I am not such a person. (: I hope you believe. It's the weekend already! (: Great! I like!! =) anyway, and.... did my eREV already! it was funny! Seriously! =/ 15th April I have back-to-back lect from 8.30am-10pm! like omgomgomg! crazy madness! oh and also, don't ever go shopping with heavy bags! you will get damn pekchek! seriously! And I want to buy backpack soon! OMG! 2 more weeks to judgement day! GREAT GREAT! can't wait for MJ sessionS! LOL! i dont feel right! xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Wednesday, February 3, 2010
![]() Tuesday woke up at about 11am and then was thinking to myself... PRELIM IS SO NEAR I BETTER GET THINGS THAT I WANT IT TO BE DONE, DONE! SO yes, I bath and then decided to leave house to go get what i needed! and then search for something that... (LAUGH) SCARE ME SIA! I thought the machine cannot process my memory card! OMG! Lucky they got the card reader! LOL! If not, I really SIAN DIAO! but HENG AH! (: After that I think I saw someone! wooot! but then don't feel as excited anymore! hahahaha! (thumbs up!) So, I spent the whole afternoon making my bff's birthday present!(most on his!) And not just his present! and some others whose birthday is approaching too! :D WOOOOT! and then i slack the whole day without studying! Cause at night catch Tv show on Channel 8 and Just for Laugh Asia! Wednesday! 3rd Feb 2010! Woke up at 11pm and left house at 12pm to go tuition! :D I am going to lose this kid already! Apparently, his mum decided to stop his tuition cos he has a lot of remedial class and everything. Oh well, so.. ): This means, i have an income of only $200/mth! How sad can this be! ): After tuition which ended at 2.45! I went over to Tampines to look for Adele and shortly after that Yh came! So we went to get our tix for Jam's concert! Okay, at first I am not excited about it at all! -.- but since bought tix and everything! so yes, I am EXCITED for it! :D like the sudden change of mood! And also because on that day itself, PRELIM ENDS! :D After that we headed down to Pasir ris to study! Shucks, not really productive but at least helped YH with his PPF! wahhh, not bad from JC knowledge! and and talking about it! Woah, my Sizzling hot teacher is still as nice! helping me with my qns! :D omg, i hope he is doing well! ): I promise this year Teachers' day i will go back and see him! :D It's so funnnny at popular! i shall not disclose why YET! :D okay, going school early tmr! :D xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Tuesday, February 2, 2010
![]() I am bored! So here I am, doing friends exposed on facebook! I don't want to continue on FB! if not flood people's wall! So here it goes! ( i am selective in qns!) 1) Who would you most likely tell a secret to? I have a few names in my mind. But at the current moment.. I guess 3 of my bffs! :D 2) If Guo Marlene wanted to take you out for a romantic meal, would you accept? okay, like I wouldn't mind of course! Romantic ah! wahahah! how romantic! :P 3) Pick a friend who is always fun to be around Adele! Oh man, can I choose more than one? LOL! 4) who do you feel you are closest to at the moment out of your friends? Adele and Yh! 5) who is the friend you text the most? adele. 6) Who makes you very happy? hahaha! quite a no. of people! LOL Okay actually also lazy want to do the questions already! booo! xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! ![]() 因为我知道,我一定会输。。 那。。我就不打这场仗了。 难过,是因为闷了太久, 是因为想了太多,是心里起了作用。。 I really want to know, but I don't dare to find out. I really...... xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! Monday, February 1, 2010
![]() I hate erratic feelings! Like, one day sad, one day happy, one day sad, one day happy! I tell you, it's damn tiring! Why can't everyone be happy everyday?! ROAR! why must we go through the feelings? Why why why?! 如果人类没有心脏那就好了,受伤不会流血,悲伤也不会流泪。。 I think his lyrics goes something like that! Taken from 小鬼's 不屑 in case you are wondering! The more clearer idea I have, the more I feel. The more things I know, the more I feel! but at the same time, the lesser things I know, the more I feel TOO! I wonder, I really wonder! ): This is so wrong. This is not right. This is going no where! ): But who is to decide if I should or I should not? Yes, using my head, I know I shouldn't! but the freak witch weak heart has already gone mad! It's hard to control and I actually thought I am still doing well! I mean what can I do? He is untouchable! ))): okay, only close friends know who I am talking abt! oh noooooo, friends, I am going crazy about this! )))): yh, adele and xc thinks that i am crazy, at the same time.. they know I shouldn't too! ): why do I feel so emo about it today? Someone please tell me! 心里藏了一个我不能去想的人。。。 xoxo, ♥♥tillthen! |
ME! ![]() TheGIRL- ![]() Hi. My name is FangLin. I am 21 this year. Unique in my own way. I love my friends. I love music. ... more Wishlist ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Blogroll ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ... more LOVES! ![]() JJ LIN! Shoppinglist! -` Havaianas Slipper (black&gold) -` wallet -` Iphone 5 Archives ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Credits © All Rights Reserved |